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Answers to the most asked questions
What is a Dun & Bradstreet D-U-N-S® Number?A D-U-N-S Number is a unique 9-digit identifier for a company or business entity.
How do I file a complaint?In case you would like to file a complaint, we provide all details here.
Where does the registered address you list for our company come from?We explain how we obtain our data and how this can be changed.
What is the Paydex/Payment Score?We explain what the Paydex also called Payment Score represents and how we come to this number.
What is the Dun & Bradstreet failure score?We explain what our failure/bankruptcy score is and how we calculate this.
You have limited information on my company. How can I elaborate?We explain how to send in a request for processing additional data about your company.
What is the Dun & Bradstreet rating?Also called D&B Rating.
Where did you obtain the information stated in my report?We collect information from public sources and explain our DunTrade Program.
Where did you obtain the financial information stated in my report?We use the Chamber of Commerce to consult financial data.
The figures published in the Dun&Bradstreet report are outdated. How can I provide more accurate information?We share with you how to file a request for sending in additional information.