Welcome to our step-by-step vide guide on how to use report actions in D&B Finance Analytics Advantage. This demonstration includes the following steps:
Print, e-mail and export reports: Explore various functionalities to save or share a company report;
Set preferences: Tailor your report export by setting preferences;
Add to portfolio: Monitor a company by adding it to your portfolio;
Save to folder: Efficiently organise your portfolio by categorising companies into folders;
Exclude from portfolio insight: Activate monitoring while excluding a company from analysis overviews;
Save a snapshot: Capture the current state of a company with the snapshot feature;
Order an investigation: Verify live report information by ordering an investigation;
Order a country risk report: For a thorough analysis of cross-border risk, order a country risk report;
Create an account: Include account information from your administration in the company report;
Rematch account: Rematch the account information to the correct or most recent D-U-N-S number;
Adjust account information: View and adjust account information within a company report;
Add notes and documents: Add notes and documents to a business report.
Let's get started on unlocking the insights you need!
Ready for the next step? Continue your journey in D&B Finance Analytics Advantage and watch the follow-up demonstration video on how to launch an investigation.